Did you know you can mail these large Easter eggs just like this? Yep... no box needed! Just tape around where it seals & you're good to go!

I grabbed these from Dollar Tree for $1.25 each but they can be a little flimsy so I recommend grabbing these thicker/sturdier Easter eggs from Amazon. I love stuffing these with easter grass, lip balm, candy that won't melt, & one of our current Scentsy Buddy Clips. Be sure to check my website to see current selections.
Depending on the size & weight of your egg, it could be anywhere from $3-8. The local UPS store I use to mail all my post office items got a giggle out of me wanting to ship it "as is" but said it was totally ok to do. Which Scentsy Buddy Clip will you choose to put in your mailable Easter egg?

If you're wanting to gift our larger Scentsy Buddies, you can grab these larger eggs that fit them perfectly.