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Kimberly Pulito

Kimberly has been an award-winning, Independent Scentsy Consultant since 2012 & has helped thousands of amazing clients create custom scent experiences & motivated individual build their own fragrance businesses.

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RESCHEDULED FOR 5/14: Save up to 70% with Scentsy’s Spring Sale

It’s a Scentsy spring sale! Find discounts up to 70% off during our 24-hour flash sale May 14!

Scentsy Warehouse Sale

The sale runs from 12 p.m. PT Thursday, May 14, through 12 p.m. PT Friday, May 15, or while supplies last. Please be aware that once inventory for this promotion runs out, we’ll turn off the sale.

The sale may end short of the full 24 hours, so do not to wait!

Find flash sale products under my Specials section.

Shipping Expectations

We expect a huge response to this flash sale & anticipate longer-than-usual times to process & ship orders (up to 21 business days). Scentsy will try to prioritize non-flash sale orders, but some flash sale orders may ship before non-flash sale orders due system functions.

Would you like a reminder text?

If you'd like for me to text you when the sale live, & you're currently on a mobile device, just click the link. This will open your texting app with a prefilled message for you... just press send.

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